Friday, 9 November 2012

So Little Time

For a minute or two , seriously imagine what it would be like if you were told that you were going to die now - immediately- this very minute.

You can have no contact , from anyone near and dear to you .

If you have children ,you cannot go to them .

If you have a husband or a wife or a friend with you, you will be leaving them all behind,without saying goodbye.

You are also leaving this body behind ; this body you have become attached to.

You are going to leave all your worldly possessions behind- possessions you have spent many years accumulating . Your money in the bank or building society or wherever you have it will be spent by someone else .

Just picture this seriously for a few moments , and try to imagine how would you feel.
Where do your thoughts run to ?

You wife, your husband,your children,your parents,your possessions your money? Or could you leave all these things behind happily and have no regrets?
No matter how frightening this may sound , it could happen to anyone of us at any time , and it is happening just this way to thousands of people every single day.

No time left -

Just think there will be no time to make amends if you have spoken harsh words or been unkind to anyone.
Be polite.
There will be no time to say sorry if you have been bad or unfaithful a husband , a wife , a child or a friend.
Be Sorry .No time to put things right if you have been a bad mother or a father .
Be caring and loving.
No time to feel sorry if you have not given sufficient time and attention to your ageing and parents.
Give time .
No time to regret on sins you did while living .
Do Praying.